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10 min read

The PlayGround is the area where the Robot Executes the created Code Sequence.

1. Select Environment #

The Playground provides several diverse and interactive environments in which the robot can execute the code.
You can select the Environment according to the requirements of the project.

Hint: Here’s a detailed description of each of the provided Environments.

2. Timer #

The Timer displays the current run-time of the code execution during the play-mode.

3. Sensor Readings #

The Sensor Readings Button Displays the reading of a set of built-in sensors inside Qubi during execution.

The Sensors Readings can be used by the Sensors Block during coding.

  • Ultrasonic sensor: Detects the distance between the robot and a target object in front of the robot.
  • Bumper sensor: A switch that returns feedback on whether it is pressed or released by any object in front of it.
  • Color Sensor: Detects the color on which the robot is standing in  a vector of 3 values (R, G, B) format.
  • IR Sensor (Left and Right): Detects whether there is a line underneath the robot or not.
  • Location: retrieves the exact location of Qubi on the Map.
  • Gyroscope Sensor: Detects the rotation angle of the robot in a format of (X, Y, Z) format.

5. Fullscreen / Shrink #

This options allows expanding the play-ground to fit the whole screen, or shrink it to fit a small part of the edit-mode.

6. Minimize #

This option minimizes the playground for a better view of the coding area.

7. Manual/ Remote Drive #

This option switches between the manual-driving mode. in which the user can control Qubi using the arrow keys, and the automatic driving mode, in which Qubi follows the coding provided.

8. Camera Views #

There are three different camera views of the playground.

  • The first is viewing the map from the robot’s eyes.
  • The second is viewing the map from behind the robot.
  • The third is an elevation view of the whole map.
The first View
The Second View
The third View

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