Overview #
Inside the Code Editor, the Code Blocks are organized into different categories for easier access and more efficient coding experience.
1. Event Blocks #
Any code sequence must start with an Event Block. Event Blocks are used to execute the code that follows them when a certain event happens during runtime such as: starting the game, clicking on an object, …etc.
2. Action Blocks #
These blocks are used to perform a physical action such as moving, playing a sound, playing animation, …, etc, on an object.
This category also contains blocks related to parenting such as: attach to parent, detach from a parent, …, etc.
3. Transform Blocks #
These blocks are used to control the position, rotation and scale of any GameObject.
4. Get Blocks #
These blocks are used to get an object or its properties inside the Code of another object, or to get the current axes.
5. Data Blocks #
These blocks are used to add different types of constant values to your code.
Tip: These blocks are not variables, they are used as inputs to blocks that require data inputs.
6. Flow Control Blocks #
This category contains conditioning, looping and wait blocks.
7. Operator Blocks #
This category contains counters and arithmetic operators such as: add, multiply, …, etc., and logic operators: And, Or, Not.
8. Physcis Blocks #
These blocks are used to control and effect the physical properties of GameObjects.
Tip: The Physical Properties must be allowed from the Inspector Menu for the blocks to be effective.
9. Arduino Blocks #
This category contains all the required blocks to interface with Arduino Controllers.
10. Scene Management Blocks #
This category contains all the blocks related to scenes and lighting properties.
11. UI Elements Blocks #
This category contains all blocks related to editing the UI Editor Elements.
12. Variables Blocks #
These blocks are used to create variables of different data types, set and get them inside the code.