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9 min read

Table of Contents

Description #

A variable is a storage space area that you give a name and can manipulate along the program.

  1. Variable Name.
  2. Variable Type (Integer, Float, String, Boolean, Vector3)
  3. Variable Initial Value.
  4. Variable Visibility.
    Local: Visible in this scene only.
    Global: Visible across all scenes of a project.
  5. Click to add the New Variable to your Variables List.
  6. Search in the list of your variables.

Get and Set #

Once you add a new variable, there will be 2 blocks added to the list:

  • Get: which retrieves the variable value in the code flow through the Data Output.
  • Set: which changes the variable value in the code flow through the Data Input.

Delete #

You can delete this variable by clicking on the delete button in the upper right of the set block.

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