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Add Slider

9 min read

Description #

The slider can be adjusted by your mouse cursor to give input to a certain function in your project.

Inspector Menu #

1. Values #

  • Minimum Value
    The input value of the slider is when the head is placed at its minimum index.
  • Maximum Value
    The input value of the slider is when the head is placed at its maximum index.
  • Initial Value
    The starting value of the slider.

2. Whole Numbers #

Enabling whole numbers allows only integers as an input from the slider.
When whole numbers are disabled, rational numbers are accepted as input.

3. Colors #

You can freely change the color of each component of the slider.

  1. Head Color
  2. Fill Color
  3. Background Color

Play mode interaction #

You can adjust the slider in play mode, and use its data using coding.

Go to LSPE Blocks. #

The LSPE Block for this tool.

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